Bella Adamova & Michael Gees


Festival Music Is.

Where is home? Is it where did we spent our childhood? Or in our memories, when we can no longer return to such a place? Perhaps, home is where we choose to live? Contralto Bella Adamova and pianist Michael Gees ponder these questions in their musical journey entitled there is home.

The seemingly disparate duo – Gees was born in West Germany in 1950’s, Adamova in the North Caucasus just after the collapse of the Soviet Union – formed in 2015, and four years later, the musicians released the album Blooming. They presented in it a set of spontaneous compositions in the spirit of classical music. In there is home, they interweave their improvisations with the songwriting by composers such as Mahler, Mussorgsky, Britten, and Pavel Haas.

“Free improvisation isn’t really a genre so much as a philosophy of playing,” Adamova says. “There are no rules, just that you’re in touch with the other players, with the place you’re playing, and that you listen and respect what you hear.”

About the festival
After 18 years of its existence, the American Spring Festival has entered 2023 with a new name Music Is. The festival will offer mainly concerts of contemporary classical and jazz music. The dramaturgy reflects contemporary musical developments and current themes without genre restrictions.

Bella Adamova & Michael Gees


DIVADLO X10 Charvátova 10/39, Prague 1, 110 00