The seventh annual festival of independent performing arts
THURSDAY 9 September 2021
16:00 Divadlo b: Pohádka lesní (performance for children) / Palacký Square
19:30 Gajdoš, Novotný et al.: The Bacchantes (premiere)
21:00 Načeva a Zdivočelí koně – concert
FRIDAY 10 September 2021
12:00–14:00 Debate: Independent Festivals in the Czech Republic, Central and Eastern Europe and Their Importance for City and Regional Culture / Dačický House
16:00 Toy machine: Eliška a jiné královny (performance for children) / Palacký Square
17:00 Michaela Dašková: This is not about me!
18:00 Matěj Šumbera: Luminofor (in English)
18:45 Matěj Šumbera: Luminofor
18:45 Musaši Entertainment Company: Entomologious
19:30 Teatr Kana: Gęstość zaludnienia / The Population Density (PL)
21:15 Igor Shugaleev: 375 0908 2334 / The body you are calling is currently not available (BY) – world premiere
23:00 Safari Jazz Orchestra – concert
SATURDAY 11 September 2021
12:00–13:30 Debate: Independent Theatre in the Context of Political Changes in Belarus and Ukraine
13:45 Y: Parents – vernissage and project presentation
15:00 Thomas F. Eder: Presentation of the Research on Independent Performing Arts in Europe
15:00 Musaši Entertainment Company: Entomologious
16:00 Loutky bez hranic: Bojím se v lese (performance for children) / Palacký Square
16:00 PYL: ČBRŠK (BY/CZ)
17:30 8lidí: La Moneda
19:15 Divadlo X10: The Limit State
21:30 Ufftenživot: What's happening
23:00 Mutanti hledaj východisko – concert
Y: Parents' zone
For the purpose of the DFKH festival, Y: Parents creates a prototype of a "parent-friendly" zone where culture for children and adults is not separated but rather exists in layers. This way, it offers an opportunity to perceive parenthood not as a downfall in career or participation in social life, but rather as its integral part that provides a significant kind of knowledge and experience.
H-Effect (UA)
The video version of an exceptional Ukrainian project combining professional actors with war veterans.
The X10 Platform
A video installation presents the online project of the Theatre X10. The X10 Platform is an exceptional project based on famous speeches pronounced by Czech or Czechoslovakian politicians and artists who in one way or another shaped the public perception of reality in the moments of crisis.
The program takes place in the Sedlec Brewery (Zámecká 136), unless otherwise stated. Change of programme is reserved.
All programme, except performances for children, is provided with English subtitles or translated into English.
Tickets are available online - just click on the Tickets. button or go straight to GoOut ticket provider .