Author readings and meetings with authors

Presentation of the Residency Programme for Playwrights

A presentation of The Apartment Between Two Volcanoes by Hannes Köpke and Urs Humpenöder, which explores the period between the two largest volcanic eruptions of modern times: Tambora (1815) and Krakatau (1883). The play offers a portrait of the 19th century and examines how the relationship between people and the world transformed during this time. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with the German authors and Ewa Zembok, producer of the Kutná Hora Playwrights in Residence programme, where the text was developed.

The project is realised in cooperation with the Kutná Hora Perfoming Arts Festival, the Theatre X10, and the Goethe-Institut Bulgaria with the support of the City of Kutná Hora.

The presentation of the text will be held in English.


The programme offers a creative space for emerging playwrights from former Soviet bloc countries to work on and develop new dramatic works.

In many of these countries, there are no dramaturgy programmes or long-term strategies to support new and contemporary playwriting. However, most young playwrights are involved in independent stage productions and projects. Through this residency, they gain the opportunity to develop their artistic ideas in a peaceful environment with financial support, fostering productive and creative regional collaborations.

The residency serves as a meeting place for Czech and international playwrights, providing an open space for the exchange of experiences, diverse artistic strategies, and inspiration. This year's theme, Strange New World, refers to Aldous Huxley's famous book and reflects the bizarre and turbulent times we are all currently experiencing.

Miroslav Hristov from the Bulgarian Goethe-Institut is the dramaturge of the residency programme.

The idea of establishing a residency centre in Kutná Hora builds on the foundations of the already established international network of young theatre artists, New Stages Southeast. This year, the very first edition will take place from 12 to 22 September 2024.

Author readings and meetings with authors


DIVADLO X10 Charvátova 10/39, Prague 1, 110 00